About me
I am a graduate student at University of Warsaw . I work on the symmetry of the low-energy effective string theory action on non-flat backgrounds under the supervision of .
A Non-perturbative application of the string theory to cosmology?
Recently, Olaf Hohm and Barton Zwiebacha proposed a of string cosmology applicable to all orders in string radius. Their work is absolutely phenomenal. The authors managed to greatly simplify the theory- they have reduced infinitely many terms in the O(d,d)-invariant action in a mathematically rigorous way. They have also introduced a complete classification of the invariants. In the upcoming months, the focus of our research group will be directed towards generalising these astonishing results to anisotropic spacetimes. Stay tuned!
Symmetries of string inspired gravity with non-flat cosmological vacua
My master's thesis on O(d,d) symmetry in a fixed, curved background has appeard in the notes, enjoy!
Wolfram Summer School 2021
I had a great pleasure to be a part of the Wolfram Summer School 2021. During the 4 weeks of intensive work, under the guidance of brilliant Jonathan Gorard, I have investigated dimension decay of dynamically generated hypergraphs. Check out my .
New Ideas in Priority Research Area
I will be a part of Krzysztof Meissner's research team investigating effects of the symmetries of string-inspired gravity, in the early universe. Our research is funded by program. University of Warsaw aims at creating International Research Network in Applications of Subatomic Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry to Investigation of the Early Universe.
"Studencki Nobel 2021" Award
I am the winner of ! Representing University of Warsaw, I was awarded in the category "Physics and Astronomy". The competition was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Space Agency (POLSA).
The Final phase of "Studencki Nobel 2021"
Independent Student Association of Poland has announced finalists of the competition sponsored by Santandrander Universitades. I feel honored representing the University of Warsaw, among 10 of the finalists in the category "Physics and Astronomy". The prize is awarded to Polish students for outstanding performance in one of the nine categories. The assessment includes scientific contribution, voluntary work, and social impact. During the last stage of the competition, the winner in each category will be awarded 5000 PLN.
Finite Action Prinicple in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity
The manuscript has appeard on ArXiv. We find that the Finite Action Principle resolves singularity problem in Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Singular black hole solutions do not contribute path integral, however, the worm holes seem to be allowed in the finite action context.
PLANCKS 2021 competition
My teammates and I won the Polish preliminary of competition. The four of us are going to represent Poland during the remote 36-hour-long international tournament. This edition of PLANCKS is going to be unlike any other- any online resource may be used during solving 12 extremely difficult problems. The problems cover a broad spectrum of theoretical physics. The competition will take place 6-9 May 2021.
Horava-Lifshitz gravity
I am currently working on the spacetime singularity resolution in the Horava-Lifshitz gravity. The preprint will appear soon.
Asymptotically safe eternal inflation
Today I have published my first preprint . Together with my collegues we have worked on this project for the past 8 months. Our results shed light on the creation of the multiverse in inflationary theories with metastable vacua.